Sunday, November 01, 2015
A brighter morning
Here we go.
Resetting all the goddam clocks again.
The inevitable confusion of what it means to set the clock back.
Spring forward, fall back.
I think it is nuts but then I am an outlier on most things.
I really am indifferent to whether we stay with one time or the other but let's just have one. Please.
It is all horseshit anyway. Originally for the farmers or someone, DST was invented in a time far away.
For me. it means walking the dog before dinner rather than after. He will not mind. Nor will I for that matter.
For me, it will mean a little less more light coming home from the gym. I will get to see the sun on the mountain, I think.
I suppose it is a good thing just to shake us up.
But don't we have enough things that do that?
My computer was still on the old time when I got up and now it suddenly set itself to the "right time". Is that done in Cupertino? Another question about authority and its far reaching consequences. Hah.