
Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Always something new in politics 

So here is another political conundrum.

Can a Seventh Day Adventist win an election, indeed a nomination?

We seem to have gone beyond the old religious tests.

Biden is a catholic, out and out. There was a time in my memory when that was a limiting factor. You could maybe make governor but to have a catholic president would be tantamount to putting the pope in the White House. (Yes, I know I dropped the caps on those words)

Now we are skirting along the edges of the "sects".

Ben Carson Puts Spotlight on Seventh-Day Adventists

I am sort of out of the game, religious testing. But as I recall, when I was a kid, the SDA were thought to be a bunch of weirdos. The congregation near me even had a minister with a club foot!

Where I grew up also was a bunch of hillbillies and prots who even thought the catholics were out of line.

I know. That is how I grew up. It is amazing that I made it out of there. But then you know that I remain an apostate if not a genuine non-partisan in the game of sects and denominations.

Or something.

I am interested in Carson. He is your anti-candidate. Soft spoken. Careful with his talk (to a point). Quiet. Serene. None of the hoopla.

Of course, his politics are something else. Another goddam right winger. But they do get more exotic all the time.

On the other hand, realistically, there is nothing exotic about the Seven Dayers. They get together on Saturday. Otherwise, not so much difference.

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