Saturday, August 15, 2015
It's back
When I was a kid in an astronomy club, the only constellation I was able to learn was Orion.
Even the dippers eluded me many nights.
And the rest of them? Nah. I wore glasses.
So a thrill to see my very own constant constellation friend rising in the east.
What can I say?
How about "hi!".
Now if they had shown me this picture, I would have had it down cold. But as it was, I had Mr. Ravelli who cared enough to stand out in a cold field with the class nerds with one of those star maps in our hands.
Mr. Ravelli. Not my type but a definite heart-throb. Perhaps the reason I went into science and engineering.
He was very supportive to a kid who needed adult male attention. I remember him fondly.
Let's try another picture without all the picture folderol.