
Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Blood in the water 

Trump, as predicted, is already disrupting.

Trump: 'Jeb's answer ... on women's health issues is a disaster'

Which is one of the advantages of having The Donald in there.

He has no inhibitions, he has nothing to lose really. And he is in for the duration. Even if Jebbie gets the nomination, it is likely that Donald will be in the way.

The interesting thing about Trump is that he is a headline guy. No details. The large assertion. Easy to hear, no thinking required.He has his own money is not beholden to any of the bastards who run the GOP.

No coronations this time around.

It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. And I mean that. I think that Jeb is a good guy with a family that will not let him sit by and just be a business man. There is the legacy. There is the family pride.

There is, most emphatically, Barbara.

She has always been the power behind the candidates. Fierce. Determined.

Her family nickname is "Bushy". So she carries the family torch.

They are royalty and like all royalty the crown(s) are most fiercely defended by those who marry into the job.

And so on. There will be a lot more.

In the meantime, I bet they are all going nuts at the endurance of Trump. This morning he was at 24% to Jeb's 16 or something. Don't take my word for it. It doesn't matter now anyway.

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