Thursday, July 02, 2015
The thing about the christers is that they are so naive.
Thinking themselves as having a direct pipeline to their god it never occurs to them that others might differ. Beyond the "sinners" that is.
So we have a new religious "liberty" law in Indiana and how long does it take for the jokers and, in this case, smokers to come along and have a go at it?
No time at all.
A Church of Cannabis Tests Limits of Religious Law in Indiana
I am long past my reefer days, some 35 years now, but I reserve the right of others to have their dope just as I did. I just hope they don't abuse the privilege for themselves like I did. For me, when the booze quit working so did the rest of it.
It is funny. It is a cold glass of water thrown in the face of the religionists. A wake up call for the ones who think they can slip something over other-believers (there are others than "non").
Good for these guys. Smoke on.