
Sunday, May 24, 2015



Ireland Votes to Approve Gay Marriage, Putting Country in Vanguard

Landslide. What is happening in the world? Sea changes.

There is a lot more to this than meets the eye. It is or used to be one of the most catholic countries.

And yet, when I lived in Boston, the kindest hearted people on the inside were the South Boston toughs.

So hard to figure out.

Oppressed people reach out to other oppressed people. The Irish have suffered long under the rule of others.

And they fight back.

This all gives me goosebumps. I have always had great hope for so called "gay rights" which are really fundamental human rights. Restoration.

Some of our greatest patriots were gay people who fought back the best way they could. Yes. And that is still true today.

They also fought back with humor.

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