Thursday, February 12, 2015
Memory lane
Old friends came for dinner last night.
I have known Rob for 37 years or more and then John got to know him. We also spent more time with him during our Provincetown days after he moved there. When we were there for summers.
Along the way he became Rob and Brian and now they have been together for 27 years.
Brian has a sister in La Quinta so they stopped there on a month long west coast trip. Out of the snow drifts so almost any weather will be better than where they came from.
It was nice to see them. Not too long. Just enough. If you know what I mean.
It seems to me that none of has changed. Well, I think that I may have but Rob has not. He wears rimless glasses now.
The funny thing with good old friends is that you can just pick up where you are, almost anywhere and still have a connection.
We do not know any of their friends now nor do they know any of ours. There are a few "what ever happened to" moments but I think there would be only three or four people that we got a rundown on. In a nice loving way of course.
Very nice.
John said he thought it might be our last guest dinner. I don't know why he would say that. Except that I will do almost anything not to do it. It is part of my introvert stuff. So be it.
On the other hand I do like to cook for more than two. So it is a tradeoff. A little visiting as the price for special cooking. Besides, I can hide out in the kitchen if I "need" to.