Sunday, December 28, 2014
Touchy touchy
There is no limit to the christian sense of persecution.
Something as innocuous as a celebration of Isaac Newton's birth which happened to fall on the day chosen to celebrate Jesus' birth. It has become a thing. Again.
Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains His Controversial Christmas Day Tweet
Not His birthday incidentally. A symbol.
But Newton was real and he has had a material effect on every aspect of our lives. He did have a birth day and this is it.
Of course, someone named Jesus was born and written about extensively but his curriculum vitae is lost in the sands of time.
The christians most often fail to see the limits of their spiritual beliefs. Newton had faith in the scientific method. Had he seen other aspects of his studies he would have changed his reports. Unlike the jesus people who refuse to change anything and call that faith. Some would call it pure ignorance.
Me for example.
It would be more frustrating if it didn't create a nice discussion in which thousands of thinkers will be introduced to Newton's ideas and, perhaps, become a little more skeptical of theologians coopt of the Jesus figure. Or symbol. Or person. See? There is no way out of the rabbit hole if the rabbit is sitting on the top of the entrance.
It amazes me that we cannot have a clear discussion of factual truth without the christers getting their pants in a twist.
Me? In the first weeks of my education at MIT I reproduced Newton's experiments in frosh physics lab.
They gave us the chance to disprove his work. Now that is education where the other is pour it into empty, unquestioning heads.
F does equal ma and I believe that God made it that way for us to use.