Sunday, November 02, 2014
It is always a bit sad to end Daylight Savings Time.
On the other hand, the light returns to the morning when I get up early to go to the gym and we get to change our dog walk time from after dinner to late afternoon.
No ruts.
Well, ruts but not year round ones.
There are some strong arguments against doing this every year. There is a whole web site (and more) devoted to this. I think that it all depends on how one spends time. If you are an outdoors person then it is probably important to have a longer light time after work. If you work.
I find that since I retired many years ago (18 now) I don't give a shit one way or another.
I am up very early so benefit from the non DST and walk the dog later in the afternoon so benefit from that side.
I have left the battlefield if I was ever on it.