
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Reality based 

We have a new holiday tree this year.

Up early. It is a real artificial tree as opposed to a fake aluminum tree. That is to say that it aspires to sprucish reality and succeeds admirably.

It is seven and a half feet tall and not as wide as you might see in the wild which means that it just fits in a spacey kind of place between the big chair and where the old dog toy box used to live.

All lights installed. A blessing.

My earliest holiday memories are of my dad fighting the lights, my mom fighting my dad and me pouting because, well, you know, to a little gay boy there are never enough lights.

But I live with another gay boy now who had a similar experience and so there are plenty of lights on this baby.

It is really the best artificial tree I have ever seen.

It is also one of the first in the neighborhood.

Well, I do not know that.

John also put up some outside lights. Big lit icicles hanging from the bougainvillea near the garage door. All along the bottom as icicles would hang if they were really hanging there. Not on the fucking top!

So, we are not only doing it this year but we are doing it early.

If we lived in Japan we would be held to a higher standard. That is where the photo comes from. Gay Japanese maybe.

Certainly over the top. But in a kind of tasteful way.


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