Friday, October 31, 2014
When I was a kid, Halloween was very special.
And when I had little kids it was even better!
Now, it is waiting vainly at the door. Living in a condo in a retirement community is not high traffic trick or treat territory.
But I am ready just in case. And if no one shows up, then I am sure we can find a good use for the miniature Milky Way, Snickers, and Twixt bars.
When I was that age, I went out as long as it was decent. Usually with David Bixler from next door who was younger than me. A tepid excuse. There were no other kids on our drive.
Our range was modest. Our street, a parallel street and some houses on the main road.
It was expected that we have costumes of some sort. A mask at least.
Finally, it just got embarrassing so I quit.
With my own kids, I went along and was the Dad standing down the street giving half a wave and not wanting to get in the way. It was still a lot of fun.
Candy bar voyeurism.
It is a great day. No church stuff is involved. No allegiance to a patriotic theme. Just fun with a touch of gluttony.