
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Trip over, life resumes 

John returned home this morning.

He drove his rental car back, turned it in at the airport and was home before I left for my condo board meeting at 9AM.

Nice timing.

I was glad to see him of course. I had to get used to his being around again. It took about five minutes if that.

Good thing because I took off for the monthly condo board meeting. It takes place across the street, at the east pool. Outdoors of course. The heat is turned down now. Lots of chairs and tables.

Nice businesslike setting.

We skipped last month but we probably should not have. There was some stuff that happened we are a little late out of the box for. I won't be so ready to vote yes on the summer vacation next year. Live and learn.

The meeting was not momentous. There were people there with some problems. Stolen items from cars which is not our business. A complaint about a neighbor's tree hanging over a wall. Cut it off. Up to you and the neighbor, we do not adjudicate neighbor issues.

The biggest item was the review of comments which have come in for the new architectural guidelines. At least an hour.

We are about to publish the final drafts and so there were some last minute additions to vote on.

I read my financial report which is pretty cut and dried. We are only 700 dollars shy on budget versus actual for the year after 10 months. Good news. It is all written for me but I do consult with the professional manager before the meeting. I sign the result and recite it. Moment in the sun.

Some agenda items drag on. We are trying to buy out the last of the lease for the property under our east side tract. Less than half the condos. The seller is the indian tribe and so it moves very slowly as there are many "owners" who have to sign off on it.

There is no doubt it will happen.

There were condo owners attending who had questions and complaints which were heard. Some were "just watching" us. And we were done in record time. Two hours. Early enough for me to get home and have my morning nap pretty much on schedule.

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