
Sunday, August 24, 2014

Do you know? 

I normally do not watch commercials.

I let them slide by and work on cleaning my desk or checking the DVD of the day. Anything else.

But these really catch me. Hilarious.

I used to work a lot with marketing people. They would kill to have the impact that these do.

For one thing, they mock the shallowness of marketing science. Doomed.

I worked with focus groups and charged big clients a lot of money to have consumers work on their problems. Big money.

And, in the end, I don't think that this work made a piddle of difference.

I do not feel guilty about this. Most companies deserve to be fleeced. I was there to do it.

Here is another one of these.

This one is pretty good too.

An ethnically ambiguous mascot!!


Dumb bastards.

I knew guys like that.

And that was 1965 or so. They are still out there. Still in position with their heads up their asses.

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