
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Cautious optimism 

The various state level anti-gay marriage laws have been falling left and right. So fast that I have given up trying to write about each of them as they happen. In fact, so far, not one marriage ban laws has stood. Not one.

This is more than I could have expected. The Supreme Court started the ball rolling by ruling that DOMA was not constitutional and that essentially left it up to the States to "police" the "sanctity" of denying marriage rights to same gender couples. Denying human rights. This article is a good summary and points out that none other than Nino the terrible, one of our arch enemies, Antonin Scalia predicted this outcome.

He may not be agreeable but he is smart enough to see the writing on the wall.

How Scalia Predicted the Marriage Equality Juggernaut

I have mentioned that we worked for and donated to the marriage movement since we were in Massachusetts. Nearly at the "unthinkable" idea's birth. That would be less than 20 years ago. Just before we moved west.

At the time, we had some mild hope that liberal states such as Massachusetts would eventually pass supportive legislation. But this is beyond my wildest imagination at the time.

Very nice. Another happy result of the gay rights movement in general.

What a change from the times when a scared little boy in rural Pennsylvania was afraid to even admit to his fantasies. Scared "straight" with a lot of consequences for innocent bystanders when that illusion fell away. A much less scared, determined, adult decided that his right to full expression is as legitimate as anyone else. Expression being a weak word for signifying one's very being.

My John and I did get married. Six years ago.

Let me tell you. When that "I do" rings out, the feelings are monumental. Unexpected. A huge feeling of relief falls away and we are, in a way, finally born.

This is the part that many gay men and too many straight people do not get. Gayness is down to the toenails total. The idea of sexual preference is more affront to the humanity of men and women who need to be one with one another. Need.

A lot of straight people do now get it. All of it. They are lining up for us. We need them to do this because there are so many of them and too few of us to shove all the way. Together we are getting there and very soon I believe.

Here is a straight boy who gets it. He is a great ally. This is a wonderful video that says it all. All.


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