Monday, May 26, 2014
Non holiday
I was brought up to see Memorial Day as a non-holiday. Well not one to have fun on.
In those days, it had not yet acquired the phoniness of being just another Monday off. An excuse for a long weekend.
The history is pretty well laid out here.
It came into being after the Civil War and was basically continued over time to incorporate the memorial of all veterans killed in the line of duty. Another holiday, Veterans Day, is meant to honor all veterans of all wars.
The basic idea was to decorate the graves of the fallen, hence the original Decoration Day.
It was not until 1968 when Congress passed the uniform holiday act which set various Mondays aside as the official celebration.
So, on Memorial Day, which could have been any day, we had the day off sort of.
In our community there would be a service around the big flagpole at the consolidated (all 12 grades) school.
Then a march to a cemetery which varied from year to year. Some of them were too far and so we were bused to a starting point. Then marched.

It was a solemn event.
Each year we would go to a specific grave where there would be another service including a firing squad and some other stuff.
I was in the band so I always had to go to this. Saxophone. Mostly faking it. But that is another story.
I remember that in our town there were only so many dead veterans, killed while in service, to go around.
I am not sure whether they were killed in battle or not. Maybe just while in the service.
I remember that there were about four guys. They rotated.
By the time we had the services and marched there the day was pretty well blown. There were no picnics or other recreation.
I remember a sort of vague ache behind the eyes, the result not of withheld tears but of utter boredom.
There was always a good turnout of the professional veterans. The Legionnaires, the VFW. Their little hats on a bit cockeyed. The vague odor of alcohol hovered over.
My Dad was a veteran and he did see some battle. He was in the Legion but he was not a drum beater. He took it seriously though.
I can remember the feeling that if there was any possible way that I could get out of military service I would do it.
In those days it was mandatory. I used the ROTC as a quasi service. I learned there to do the minimum, to get by and, if at all possible to malinger. My first commanding officer was a past master of this and he taught me well.
That is not to say that I don't take the day seriously but now it has been so diluted with bullshit of one kind or another, the original purpose is lost and along with it any stray feeling of memory or respect.
I am more into Veterans Day.
Although I am not officially a "veteran". If one is a reserve officer it is not the same thing. I never quite got the distinction but I suspect that when Congress passed the 6 month wonder legislation, the old grizzled veterans made sure that none of us fake soldiers would benefit from any veteran benefit at all.
I didn't feel slighted. Still don't.