Sunday, April 27, 2014
White out
Today is the annual, the 22d Annual White Party. Well, the weekend.
It is very quiet this year. Good.
I suppose there will be fireworks tonight or tomorrow if they are running Monday which is bad for Booker but we know how to handle that. Get in the car and ride around. Or just cover his ears.
We once decided to attend one of these, known as "circuit parties". We were not on the circuit but still had it in mind sort of. It took us a long time to get over our late coming out. We worried we were missing all the fun.
We were in Miami, or maybe it was South Beach, when theirs ran and so we bought tickets. Not cheap. Then, we realized that the party was going to take place late at night. And it was hard to get to. And when we faced reality we knew it was just the wrong place for us. So we didn't go.
I visit our local Party vicariously. I watch my friend John prepare for attending. The workouts, the looksism. John is a nice guy. He does not need this. But maybe he does. He is hot as the hinges of hell (is that hot enough) and his partner is older whatever that means. I never met him. So he attends as both a partier and arm candy. Who am I to judge?
Besides, tomorrow morning but probably Tuesday, I am going to get the lowdown on the party and how it went for him. Not long. Just between sets. How he and I communicate.
I have to say that I do not know one guy who is in recovery who goes. Those days are over and it is too much for most people. We do not even have anyone visiting our Meetings from this event. Usually when there is a big gay function in town we get several guys who are visiting. Not for sober people, really.
The Party is right over there on the other side of the trees at the Convention Center. It is hard to ignore but actually I only heard the disco drumbeat once today for awhile. It is windy here and so it is probably blowing in the right direction.
Fun? I think not. All those people!

Labels: gay fun