
Monday, July 15, 2013

Who am I? 

I love the idea of becoming anonymous in the world.

Of course, that is only a thought and an impulse.

My bow to my introvert. The loner.

But there are people who do it and actually pull it off.

When these people get into trouble, they have a way to continue to be who they are not. Who they do not want to be.

Unidentified Defendants Have Bedeviled Courts for a Decade

As it turns out, this will not get you out of the trouble you are in but you will still be unknown.


Fnu Lnu.

You can almost pronounce it.

An oriental gentleman with a hazy country of origin.

There is a literature of Fnu Lnus.

Usually there is some other thing going on. Sometimes they go all the way like The Invisible Man

As to whether I would ever do such a thing, I suppose not.

The other character defect in conflict with this one is that I have a huge ego problem. Don't you know who I am?

So, it is just an amusing notion.

It is a great article. Fun. Not fun for the people that have to deal with these guys.

I get the impression that it is only men. Don't have a handle on that one.


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