Sunday, May 12, 2013
I don't much like conflict.
Although I am willing to indulge in it. Particularly partisan political conflict.
Sometimes I worry that our country is flying apart. In pieces.
This defies my understanding of things. I exist in a personal world that seems a lot more peaceful. I am agreeable. So are the people around me.
Even the partisan politicals that I interact with are nice about it.
It is comforting to read this as it speaks to the larger universe.
90 Percent of Americans Agree on God, Country and Sex Education.
Take a look at the list of areas where people come together more than 90%.
Believe in God. Sure, if this means that they have spiritual lives that need not be messed up with religious theories.
Are very patriotic. That's me. I think most people too. Some a bit overzealous, nevertheless.
Consider preventing terrorism a very important foreign policy goal. I am down with that.
Admire those who get rich by working hard. Yes. I worked hard and within my frame of reference, I got rich. Rich enough.
Think society should ensure everyone has equal opportunity to succeed. Yes. I am not sure that it does, but I wish that it did.
Think it’s important to get more than a high school education. I am glad they don't stipulate. Auto-college is a bit underfire right now. I think that everyone should move on to vocational or academic education of some kind.
Favor teaching sex education in public schools. Of course. And that means absent of bullshit concepts such as abstinence and the like. I mean, abstinence is OK but it should be a choice. Should also, obviously, include positive messages about the variety of sexual experience.
Find birth control morally acceptable. I would say necessary but this is more a political decision I guess. It should go with the sex education thing.
Believe cloning humans would be morally wrong. Yes. Period. No question. I don't know about the "morally" part but it is and would be surely bad for business. Messing with Darwin.
Believe it’s wrong for married people to have affairs. Yes. If by "affairs" you mean the establishment of relationships similar to mistresses and the like to the exclusion of the partner to whom one made the vows. Even for "the gays" who have always considered themselves an exception.
Are interested in keeping up with national affairs. I hope so.
Believe it’s their duty to always vote. Now. This is where the study comes up short. We know by actual fact and measure that while people may believe this, they do not practice it.
And this may be true for a lot of the other items as well. See "affairs" for example. Belief does not always produce consistent action so while we might be comforted by the confluence of beliefs, we should probably be disturbed by people's tendency to lie about all these "good" things.
I remain a skeptic about others but can find myself practically perfect!
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