Monday, April 01, 2013
We don't give each other gifts.
Except when we do.
For our 38th anniversary, I got this soapstone sculpture from John.
It is called "lover's knot" or "love knot" depending on which import house you look in to.
Its infinite surface gets the idea across pretty well.
And it is very handsome.
Red is the color of passion and strong feeling.
It is about 8 inches tall and has a nice feel.
So it fits pretty well. Infinite, passionate, the size, the feel. It is an "us" thing.
I didn't know much about soapstone which they cut by hand and polish, then paint. Artisans.
I suppose I have to also accept that it was done by poorly paid workers in a third world country but for now, it is my beautiful symbol of the love of my life.