Tuesday, March 26, 2013
I wasn't going to comment on today's proceedings, the first three of six hours devoted to the two marriage rights cases in front of them.
I still will not, actually.
Unlike the many commentators that somehow can read the tea leaves of questions asked by the Justices.
This seems highly premature to me although it is interesting that some saw a drift toward the technical option. Take the Prop 8 case and declare that there is no standing for the proponents and leave the decision of the Ninth Circuit which was to nullify the ban.
On another front today, in addition to more polls showing majority support for marriage rights, there is also an interesting development wherein it is totally clear that Prop 8 would not pass in California today. The support here for equal marriage rights is way past the margin that the mormons and catholics paid for.
If you want to listen to it, hear are the oral arguments.
There is a lot of funny shit before the audio starts. Skip ahead.
Labels: gay marriage, gay rights, marriage equality