Friday, March 29, 2013
While we are on wing nuts, the one at the gym is back at me again.
I do still have the Obama sticker on the Volvo and it is, I think, a red flag for him.
He cannot stand it.
Whether to convert me or just to piss me off, he brings in "bulletins" or things off the internet to prove something or other. Something that "liberals refuse to face".
A tea partier of the deepest kind.
Some time ago, I had successfully fended him off saying that I didn't want to discuss politics and have it mess up our casual friendship.
That worked for awhile.
Then the election. I had to repeat it and it was OK. But he was itchin' for a fight.
I didn't come to the party.
Then, after the election and the bitter disappointment, disbelief. How could that be? A new tack.
Now he has data. Just for information.
The other day he came in and asked if I (and my friend Gene, who I was talking with) had seen the "actuarial reports".
"No", I said, "do they tell me when I am going to die?"
"Not that kind", he said.
Before it could go any further I just said "stop it".
"I don't want to listen to any bullshit propaganda".
That stopped him.
He asked how I knew what he was going to tell me and mocked me as closed minded.
I just walked away.
Gene told me that he stopped talking about it period. That whatever I said to him had worked for me and for Gene.
The next day, he still had the papers but I overwhelmed him with helloes and greetings and it was nice to see him and kept walking.
I am ready to repeat my request from a year or two ago. "Please, let's just be friendly. I don't want to talk politics in here. I came to work out".
I know it is hard on these people. They had really drunk the kool aid and were convinced that Obama would be sent packing.
I have a couple of friends who had the same reaction. They were speechless the day or two after.
This guy is anything but speechless. All it has done is rev him up.
Labels: republican whack jobs