Monday, December 10, 2012
It is amusing to see people's interest in finding photo pops for Mitt Romney. These days of the ubiquitous phone cam.
I sympathize with any public figure who has to go private suddenly. Or even one who is still active in public life who is trying to, well, buy some Cheerios without looking at them as though he never saw any before.
Usually candid shots have to do with illicit liaisons or scandalous doings.
Not Mitt.
He is on a roller coaster or sitting at ringside or, well, picking out cereal to say nothing of eating a burger or pumping gas.
Nothing topless or too embarrassing except the absence of hair product.
And that’s the thing. Romney’s somehow like the anti-Zelig. He’s seemingly everywhere. Popping up in the oddest places and yet not remotely ever fitting in or blending in. In every new setting he sticks out palpably as Mitt Romney. Not ‘Where’s Waldo’ but ‘Here’s Waldo!’ Right there. You can’t miss him.
Labels: Romney
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