
Wednesday, November 14, 2012


It is Wednesday and the busy day.

I led the Meeting this morning. My turn. Or in the opinion of the Secretary.

It was fine. So was I.

Then the last session with my regular 8AM meet up. He is on his own for awhile and I have the time free which allowed me to reschedule my 1PM at 8AM.


The 1 PM punches a hole in my day and I won't do that again.

I am sloooooowlly moving my email to iCloud.com. A free Apple site for users like me. I don't know if anyone can get on. I hope not. I want exclusives.

It has not been an easy move. Perhaps through my own insecurity. But it is pretty well believed that my first day, last week, there was a shutdown of the cloud. Some rain perhaps. And nothing worked well.

For awhile I have been diverting my old earthlink account to the new site and, at the same time, to John's email as well.

Today, I dropped the extra added John safety. It wasn't great for him to get all my mail. A lot. And have to erase it off his machine and iPhone.

Then I was worried about my "send" as for some reason it does not want to send a test email to John. But it does work for everyone else and so I must have some corruption around his address. He got one mail that I forwarded.

Are you snoozing yet? Zzzzzzz.

I am. But that is my non movie day and I am going to pass it on to others. Like it or not.

The re-arrangement should help a lot as 8AM is my natural working with others" time.


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