Sunday, November 18, 2012
It is quite amusing to see them gang up on the guy.
Of course he can't keep his mouth shut or stop showing his tin ear.
At least Romney is, apparently, incapable of any self knowledge.
Even if he fucking feels this way it is intemperate and impolitic to say so.
It is amazing.
I thought that we would be over this by now but the guy is fascinating in his ability to dig a deeper hole.
Can you imagine him as President? Goddam. What were people thinking? Did they so hate Obama or the Demo-policies that they were willing to accept this chucklehead?
An elitist thug without a scintilla of compassion or care for anyone less, well the word isn't "fortunate" because he is pathetic. For anyone outside his Mormonic, plutocratic sights.
Let's keep it simple and just repeat. He is a dick. And he is proving that on a daily basis.
No wonder they want him to disappear.
Jon Stewart called it a long time ago.
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