
Saturday, November 17, 2012


Anybody Notice a Pattern?

Hilariously, as usual.

First, there was that matter of losing the election. Then this week Romney told some of his donors that while he was pursuing the “big issues,” President Obama had purchased the support of blacks, Hispanics and young people with goodies like college loans and health care reform. College-age women, Romney claimed, traded their votes for “free contraceptives.”

Show them a birth control pill and they’ll follow you anywhere.

Romney said all this in a private conference call, so he couldn’t have suspected that it would wind up in the media. There is no precedent whatsoever for reporters getting hold of remarks presidential candidates make to private groups about the inherent greediness of American voters.

To which, as we know, many, a lot, of Republicans said "shut the fuck up Mitt".

They had enough as we had much earlier.

The thing that amazes me is the shear ignorance of this supposedly smart man about even the basics of social policy or, for that matter, political skill.

Why would he say such a surpassingly dumb thing? A repeat of the infamous 47% talk to earlier wealthy donors in Boca Raton.

Because on top of being unable to take personal responsibility for anything, Mitt Romney is a dick.

Privileged, entitled, out of touch and a plutocratic object lesson. Money does not make the man.

I had a headline a week or more ago in which I said we wouldn't have Mitt to kick around any more. The Nixon line. Mitt does not even approach Nixon's awkward and graceless resentment.

Before he disappears entirely, he is not going to "run" the Republican Party. No autumnal period of a go-to talking head like John McCain (who sort of stepped on his own dick this week when he was doing a presser about knowing more facts about Bengazi when that actual thing was happening in a hearing he had decided? not to attend).

There will be no elder statesman role for Mittens. Yes. Obama said they would get together, not for a beer, but later. How later? Later enough for Mitt to slip into the White House and out again without much of a stir.

Collins gets to use the dog on the roof meme one more time and then we are fairly certain that we will not hear it again. Or from the Mitter.


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