Sunday, November 25, 2012
No movie today. I am going to an early supper for someone who is celebrating 20 years of sobriety. Unusual for me, but I like this young woman a lot and have learned a lot from her in Meetings and by being my grandsponsee for a period of time.
Tomorrow is calm. A movie day for sure.
Tuesday is the tough one. A no nap day, perhaps.
First thing a short meeting with a sponsee. Then, the Apple service guy is coming in the morning to transfer the new iMac from John to me. John is taking his old one back. The 18 incher. It turns out he is not impressed with the big new one with the newer operating system. When his machine poops out we will get it fixed and then, eventually, he can face the music of change. Or not. Deferral is always to our advantage in matters such as this. There will be more changes but, who knows, they might be better ones.
And I will have what I wanted in the first place. A 2011 iMac that still has the DVD player as the new one will not. And when will the new one be out anyway? Doesn't matter now.
After all this computer stuff, I have a haircut in the afternoon. Always a bit of stress there. Don't know why. Not my favorite thing.
Wednesday, we meet our new financial guy. Our long term manager from Smith Barney, now Morgan Stanley, moved on and we didn't move on with her.
The new guy is a bit like the guy we had long ago who you can hear wanting to sell an annuity program or a mutual fund. No dice.
It is too late. I have been with Smith Barney longer than he has. So long that it is still Smith Barney to me. I like my plan, a managed fund of 2/3 equities and 1/3 bonds and I am sticking with it. I am paying them well to manage it that way.
But, he means well and I will be kind.
We do need to meet him as he is John's link if anything happens to me. When something happens to me. And he should hear my "philosophy" from the horses mouth.
Face to face is better. We have already had a few small skirmishes. I do not want to alienate him but he is at our service, not the other way. Hard to let these guys know that I like the clang and clash of the market. To see that I own a piece of the Riverside California Water Authority. Things like that. I own about 200 stocks. Spread out in teeny pieces. P&G, Apple, the bigger ones. Some companies I don't even know what they do. But it works. This managed fund has stayed ahead of the market right along even in the crash.
Thursday, it gets quiet again. Perhaps a movie.
Meanwhile, the clang and the clash.
Who wouldn't want to be in the middle of the melee. In a second life, I am coming back as a commodities trader.

Labels: computer, films, finance, life