Thursday, October 04, 2012
I thought the "debate" was terrible.
Not for the reasons some people did.
I wish Obama had been a bit less presidential and kicked Mitt's ass but this format makes it very hard for the incumbent.
Romney could spout all sorts of stuff in many directions. Obama's impulse is to organize the data. It didn't really work.
The format and the rules got changed this year to allow more of what happened. Unbridled violation of the "rules" and a total lack of clarity from either participant.
I blame Lehrer but he is 82 and the dean of teevee newsmen. His way too general questions left too big a field for any understanding of what the principal's differences were. His efforts to organize and direct were futile.

And my man Obama was off his game.
He got some good points across. Not enough. And not fast enough.
Mitt took the initiative early and held it.
What about Mitt? Go to the "fact check" people. He was, as he often is, a serial liar. He did not spell out any specifics. He was on the attack and the President has a record and he does not.
Romney went to the middle. He suddenly had a different plan than he has had on the campaign trail. You can't be prepared for that. Well, I suppose you can and next time there will be a more wary and, I suspect, much more on the offense player for Mittens to deal with.
The reporting of these things just sucks. The NYTimes is the most comprehensive and reliable, even unto its criticism of Obama.
Axelrod says that Romney may get a small bump in the polls for his performance. There is some room for that to happen but I would rather that it not.
This is Obama all over. The criticism from the left is very high, hence the win/lose stats from CBS and CNN. He got booed by the lefties as much as the right.
On the other hand he maintained his favorability and Romney didn't gain much. He wasn't very likable after all. A scold and a ranter.
The next debates are a better format I think. Particularly the questions from the audience one.
In the meantime, I had some trouble getting to sleep. A usually untroubled mind was disturbed by the shenanigans.
Labels: elections, Re-election of Barack Obama, Romney