Sunday, September 30, 2012
There has been a lot going on.
John got a cataract operation on his right eye on Wednesday. That meant back and forth in the car for Booker and I.
We had a nice time while John got cut. We went to a small park at Eisenhower Hospital that has a small pond with the occasional duck and just walked around, sat and sniffed all the edges.
When John had to go back for a checkup (He got an A+) the next morning, we repeated the experience.
Both times we got the half threatening from a paunchy little martinet in a guard uniform, "this ain't a dog park" and stayed below his sight line as the park sort of dips down in the center.
That completed, we had the new washer driers delivered on Friday which needed a valve on the gas line pre-install. We got a guy to do it through the appliance place. It went OK and the guys came on Friday and installed the machines.
We got big ones. They do a lot of laundry. I took all we had and put it in the first load. The washer has a waterfall effect that recirculates the water from the top to bottom and it is quite spectacular. Gets the soap into the items and then gets the soap out during the rinse.
The drier dries.
They look great and all is well with that.
Today we are going to a celebration/memorial for a friend who died a couple of weeks ago. A peaceful parting. She was in her eighties and ready to go. She is the one we went to have a tea party with a month or so ago.
Today is not my favorite kind of thing but it is not formal, there will be food, I will know a lot of people there and it won't last long.
Goodbye Ruth.
Booker is not invited.
Not much going on this week but on Friday three of our kids will come to visit for their traditional Columbus Day trip. Nice. No hassle.

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