Sunday, August 12, 2012
McCain puts the kiss of death on the Ryan nomination.
Sen. John McCain said on Sunday that Mitt Romney's selection of Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate reminded him of his own game-changing choice in 2008. Choosing Ryan was "a pretty bold choice," McCain said, just like his pick of Sarah Palin.Yup. That is what he said. I read it in three places.
"I am still proud of my running mate," McCain, R-Az., said on Fox News Sunday. "I am proud of Sarah and her family."
Fucking amazing.
We saw how well that came out for John didn't we.
Overshadowed and thrown off course like a ballooned tire the Palin distraction took the McCain campaign off and running into the fever swamp and it never, ever got out.
Where will Ryan take them? Into the mind of Ayn Rand?
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