Wednesday, August 01, 2012
He didn't forget Poland, but he skipped Afghanistan
Romney. Who wants to be our world leader. The Commander in Chief.
The trip to show us what he was made of.
Of course the whole thing was a fantasy production in the first place.
And it was an utter FAIL.
I have seen it posited that he went to burnish his Olympic credentials. The only part of his career so far that he is willing to talk about.
Well, we know how that all turned out.
Where is he with the war? What about the troops? What is his policy?
What I liked about McCain, the last time, is that he had balls. He had ideas. He took positions. He had a record that at least he was proud of.
This guy is, well, let's stop here. A disaster.
I googled images of "romney with troops". There are virtually no images available.