Thursday, August 16, 2012
Because today, Mitt, himself exhumed the almost buried idea that he had not paid any taxes for ten years. Even I had sort of forgotten about it.
But now comes Mittens with a lame explanation and an insult to me and anyone else who has an inquiring mind.
Romney makes his tax-return troubles worse
I read another guy this morning who says that Mitt is a "digger". A compulsive soul who can't put the shovel down. He got hurt by this thing and he is going to clear it up, goddammit. Well, forget the goddammit part. Mormons don's say that.
Gosh Darn.
He doesn't say what he paid "13 % or something like that" on. Gross income? Taxable Income?
More whining about why people would want to hear about this. Well, only 2/3 of the people in the country Willard.
What is funny about this is that it would be very easy to release the returns and get it over with.
It is a scab. He keeps picking on it.
And they always mention their charity giving in this connection. WTF?
He is such a sanctimonious bloviator.
I got a chuckle out of this "comment" under the article.
the hilarious thing between him and his wife is like...
how dare you peasants question us?
it reeks from every pore of their being.
and we, the peasants are like..
Mofo, just show us the damn tax returns.
Labels: Romney