Thursday, June 28, 2012
I spent most of the morning reading about the Supremes' decision on the Affordable Care Act.
A lot of reflection on Roberts. His decision not to join the conservative thugs.
What is up with that?
I think several things.
One, he is not a thug. He has to be tired of being tarred with the same brush as his brethren. He is not a thug.
He has recently opined about polarizing. The left, the right.
He is an honest, perhaps old style Republican. That means he is open, perhaps the only Republican power, to compromise.
History tells us that many Justices tone it down once they are on the Court for awhile. Some even jump the fence or wander across the fuzzy lines that divide us.
It takes a while, I think, to realize that one is now a Supreme and not really accountable to anyone except the law and the Constitution. He can retire from the politics of it.
I see more of a human being in his persona.
As always, I am optimistic.
This is a turning point for the Court. There are at least two likely appointments by the next term President. Perhaps Roberts is looking forward to that. Maybe he thinks that it is Obama. I do too.
Count your chickens.
Line them up.
He has a legacy to think about.
I, for one, am glad to recognize him as one of the thinkers and the wise.
I am not alone in this.
Re-examination of Roberts' Legacy?
If Mr. Bush ends up ruing the day he chose Mr. Roberts to lead the court, he would not be the first former president to do so. Mr. Bush’s father appointed Justice David H. Souter, who ended up as a mainstay of the court’s liberal wing. President Dwight D. Eisenhower was said to have called his appointments of Chief Justice Earl Warren and Justice William J. Brennan Jr. as two of his biggest mistakes.
Labels: Supreme Court