Wednesday, February 01, 2012
I had plans but they went awry early this morning when a needed item was out of the supply box at our Meeting Room. I need it for tomorrow.
So I went to the local office where they have such things and, fortunately, could dovetail the ride with John's followup at the dentist.
I dropped him off and drove to the office, got my stuff and started to come back and get him.
I pulled out of the mall where the office is and realized that there was a car coming from the right which I had not seen as there was a truck going the other way. Blocked my view.
Committed, I gunned the Volvo and made a good turn. Not too close for me.
But too close for the black and white which happened to be the oncoming car.
Lights, camera, action.

It was OK. I told my story and am sticking with it. We agreed it was a little close. Too close to call really. So he just checked my license and although he said he would write a ticket, he didn't. Told me to be careful and sent me on my way.
I saw enough of my Dad trying to talk the officer out of giving him a ticket.
His standard opening line was "don't you have anything better to do?"
No. He didn't. And nothing my Dad said made it any better after that.
He never learned from this and it was a dependable result that somewhere he would piss the cop off. All you could do was laugh. Which he didn't much like either.
I had my own version of this on I-84 (86?) going back to Boston from my parent's house. Something of Senior's attitude must have been stuck to me. I did much the same thing. Blame it on my Dad.
It was a trap but it didn't do any good to tell him that. Did it?
So, today I was appropriately and non-ironically contrite and I got off. Easy.
I made it back to pick John up in plenty of time but it blanked the movie.
Labels: life