Saturday, February 18, 2012
My back is better, the weather is better and it is the weekend.
I took the double dip, Advil-Ibuprofen mix that I now am devoted to for teeth, joint pain (not very often) and the back, even less frequent. The back is the lower back spasm and very responsive to anti-inflammatory treatment.
I used the heating pad all day yesterday and it made a big difference, I think but don't know because I don't know how healed I would be if I did not use it. See?
Anyway way better.
Almost gone.
Weather? It had been nasty rainy and breezy for two days. Fifties during the days. Snow on the mountain kind of weather. Very pretty.
Now we are back with the warm sunny climate we pay a lot of money to have. It costs, this SoCal weather. And the snow is hanging on for shear beauty.
The town is filled with people. No parking space crowded. I didn't experience this first hand but John had troublefinding a space yesterday.
So it is "better", a subjective evaluation which is pretty much based on a very shallow bad to good cycle. Never really bad and rarely ecstatic.
God, I love living here.
Labels: health, life, Palm Springs