
Friday, December 09, 2011


Here is the key or explanation of the NYTimes villain films. See below.

Vamps Crooks and Killers - slide show.

We thought that the villains were from classic films but no.

We thought Napoleon but didn't know the film. It is Captain Bligh. A film. MOTB.

I thought that one of them was Carrie, the one with the fire. No. it is about the siren. I don't really get it.

The invisible man is a movie and so is Bonny of Bonny and Clyde. And so on. Some are just generic villains. We thought J Edgar Hoover and it is just, well a big "just", Wall Street.

So, a hash and not nearly as clever as we wanted to make it. And in that realm not very good.

But in the realm of great little film gems, they are quite good whether you understand the deal or not. The vignettes are very well produced and fun to watch.

And fuck them, the Brad Pitt guy is Eraserhead for sure. This is the main confuser of the premise. The sound track is Eraserhead and so are the mannerisms.

Actually, now that I think about it, I am sorry I put the thing up in the first place.


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