Sunday, December 18, 2011
The party last night did me in.
It wasn't very successful for me I am afraid.
The first three people I met, including one of the hosts greeted me with "I didn't think you would come" without John.
Not, "Oh, We didn't expect to see you, how nice that you came."
Then some people needed to go over how the guy we sold to is an asshole and his dogs keep barking and all of that. I offered to buy the house back.
A few, more familiar to me as I dog walked, didn't really know who I was.
I can't say that I blame them. I have never been one to seek to make an indelible social impression. It doesn't help that I always left this particular party after about half an hour.
I also have to admit there were a few people I didn't remember either.
I think we have passed the sell-by date of our Mesa neighborhood relationships. Some also were gone and not likely to reappear in our lives. Moved, not attending these functions themselves or, this year, dead.
I do not blame. I accept the situation.
Then today, an interview which was a really nice one. Again, toward the end of the line (only one more kid Tuesday), I am having "good luck".
This guy was different in a nice way. He is a genuine jock, rare among MIT prospects.
He is also a long time volunteer worker with Mexican victims of the Mexicali earthquake two years ago.
I have had a couple of others. The government did little or nothing for poor people. These kids are doing the job and even after two years are still helping reconstruct.
He also works with deported Mexican workers who had no plans to be picked up one day and sent to Mexicali (people in our part of the desert, this side of the mountains).
One problem is that the people deported are not all Mexican but nationalities from all over Central and South America. They will be serially exported from each country until they get to their own. Very sad.
So he is good kid and has a great personality.
I was sorry when the interview ended. I often am.
Then there are about two hours to write it up. And then other stuff as I am the only Dad on site today and tomorrow morning.
It is 650 and I am done done.