
Thursday, November 24, 2011


A lot of gratitude around here for the holiday.

First, I am grateful that, finally, I was able to get two turkey breasts (I cook ahead and freeze so we can have it once a month).

I like the fresh and then when they came in early this week there were only two left and one of them smelled bad. That did it for me. I put them both back in the case.

I am grateful that I found frozen breasts at the last minute at another store. No fresh in stock. I took the frozen. I had just enough time to thaw them.

I am grateful that they thawed in time.

I am grateful that the stove worked today. We are mid-part ordering for the sensor which, after about 375, thinks that it is too hot in there and shuts the oven down.

I went in with 325 F and it went down once early on but not again.

I am grateful that the lady at the bakery talked me into taking one of their pumpkin pies the other day. I would never have been able to fit in a pie bake with the sensor problem and the turkeys all in the same day. I didn't know what was going to happen when I took the pie. I was just being nice.

I know this all seems trivial but it made for a rather peaceful holiday and just about the right level of agitation without it really being a big deal. I was ready to break out some chicken if the turkey didn't work out.

I like to keep my gratitude in the short term.

Of course I am grateful for everything that has happened to me beginning with being alive. I almost didn't. There are a lot of things that I would not have been grateful for when they happened but they added up to some good shit and I can see their value now.

But let's keep it light.


I am glad that I am not chained to the sofa and a television set to watch football. And that early disinterest led to an ignorance about the sport that endures to this day.

I hope that you had a nice holiday and that your team won, if any. Many happy returns.

And yes I am grateful that I will be getting mail tomorrow.


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