
Sunday, November 27, 2011


Nick Kristof in the NYT:

Earlier this month, I asked Bill Clinton — who has a better intuitive feel for politics than anyone I know — about Obama’s chances for re-election. “I’ll be surprised if he’s not re-elected,” Clinton said, adding that Obama would do better when matched against a specific opponent like Romney.

Clinton said that Romney did “a very good job” as governor of Massachusetts and would be a credible general election candidate. But Clinton added that Romney or any Republican nominee would be hampered by “a political environment in the Republican primary that basically means you can’t be authentic unless you’ve got a single-digit I.Q.” [emphasis added]
I have always thought that these "running against" polls they construct miss the fact that there IS NO GOP CANDIDATE.

Until there is you will not really see Obama the candidate. They are worrying Romney some, like a dog worries a bone, but wait until he has to defend his flops and flips and the wingnut talking points of the base.

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