Wednesday, July 27, 2011
If you are all about cutting the federal budget, which I am not, then you should be supporting Harry Reid's proposed cuts in the Senate budget package. Even if you are a Republican. It has twice the savings of Boehner's plan in the House.
And not only that but Boehner's people fucked up on the draft so that the CBO had it at less than a trillion and he now has to revise it and, not only that( again), the whack jobs that have signed "the pledge" may not support him and he will embarrassed even more.
Reid's plan will be the only one standing.
And today the Dow is another hundred dollars down. Three straight days.
I haven't written much about this. I support my President. But it is not his job to do the legislative lifting.
It is hard to see how Boehner will survive this but it is not my problem. Doubly shamed. The faulty arithmetic yesterday and the half a loaf today.
What a show.
Labels: Democrats, republican whack jobs