
Monday, May 16, 2011


After only a few days of being a primary GOoPer candidate, Newt the Snoot has stepped into it with health care policy. Flip. Flop. Flip.

He was, in the old days, in favor of health care intervention, then, the other day, he not only damned the Affordable Care Act but the Paul Ryan Medicare Destruction Act, favoring a more moderate approach.

Today, he flopped and backed off his criticism of the Ryan plan which is, actually, wildly unpopular.

Gingrich Seeks to Clarify Comments on Individual Mandate

For a moment there, we thought that Snewt was going to be a moderate candidate. Think again.

Actually, the only kind of candidate the Newter will be is a self serving and mendacious one.

But when it comes to lying, he is in very good company with the rest of the primary folks.


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