Friday, May 27, 2011
When I first came out, I was heartened to hear from Kinsey that gays were ten percent of the population. I never read the fine print which was that this number, ten, was the number of men who had previous sexual contact with another man.
The exclusively gay male, who had sex with only men, was somewhere around 3-4%
Well, fine. I settled for that as long as I wasn't going to have trouble finding the other three or four percent. I had no trouble.
Obviously the percentage in large cities, particularly the gay ones was a lot more than that. In Palm Springs it is a whoppin' 40%!
We run into each other all the time. In numbers. I go to a Meeting in the morning that has 50-60 gay men in it and we are the sober ones.
Now this.
A majority of people thought that the population was 29% gay! You wish.
No wonder we scare some people!
That is one out of five.
It is just interesting. There is no doubt that we get a large press coverage but I don't think that it is disproportionate. There is no more than 3-4% of the NYTimes devoted to gay news. If that.
Anyway, interesting. We are casting a big shadow.
Labels: gay life