
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today's movie was

Strapped (2010)

A morality tale which centers on a gay hustler whose hard vision of life is broken in one night of surreal experiences in an apartment house. He can't find his way out and ends up in a series of experiences that lead to a final awakening.

This is neither hard core or over the top with the bad experiences. They, in fact, are not bad. Just superficial. A date with a closeted man, a time with an old "friend" and some other guys who are pretty much today's stereotypical faggots, an experience with a gay basher who hides his homo side then when aroused fights the hated "other, and so on. A wise and tender older gay man. One experience leads to another. There are a lot of double meanings to the images and the well written talk.

In the last stop, he finds a new experience. Transforming.

The idea of the nightmare experience, not being able to escape, is not new. But the application here is novel.

The young hustler is great. He wears his soul on his face. A beautiful young man lost inside a tough carapace.

All the other actors are very effective.

I really liked this new gay film and would hope for more of this kind. A sort of gay family values kind of thing. A word for love and loving behavior.

The writer director is Joseph Graham. The young man is played by Ben Bonenfant> I hope for more work from both men.

I will give this a 5 out of Netflix5 just because I am sure that I will see it again. Even an old guy can learn from this kind of deconstruction of gay life.

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