
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Obama delivers it to the press.

We all know that they are behaving like assholes. He almost says it.

He points out that they are not even covering the serious proposals of the Republicans.

This is worth seeing because it is pure Obama. No script. Eye to eye.

Now the birther thing will go on.

Will the press continue to report the sideshow? Maybe not. But he has had his say. He has called their bluff and now, the media and the Republicans have some explaining to do as we go onward. Do the serious members of the opposition still try to have it both ways? Have the nuts go off their trees while posing as serious states people? Or do they clean their own house. Call it out for what it is.

I suppose that I expect too much but Obama has laid down a marker for them all.

The fact is that most, most people do not want this kind of shit going on. And on.

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