
Monday, February 14, 2011


Today is sort of "get it all together" day.


I am coming up to sending in my IRS paper work to the accountant. We are in the middle of a muddle with them about our status as California Domestic Partners which should qualify us for community property filings on all our income. For a major saving. But they are not organized for it and it is taking a very long time of back and forth to get it done. My accountant has now written to the IRS Advocate, yes there is one, to see if the long jam can be broken.

This morning I cleaned out the fountain in the courtyard. Over a couple of months it collects the sand in the air (a lot) and little teeny leaves from a nearby tree. In the summer, more.

I siphon the water out and use the hose as a little vacuum to pick up as much of the crap as I can. Then refill it.

It doesn't take a long time but it is messy.

Today's movie was the second 90 minutes of Red Cliff and I am enjoying it immensely. The longer international edit, the longest, has a number of set pieces that amplify the characters and also set up some business which seemed rushed in the shorter US version.

I will probably write a few sketches today for my family tree. My cousin asked me to do everyone's life story in a paragraph or so. I think that I can do that.

So there is a lot of little stuff which adds up.

Soon, Booker's walk and then Chicken Alfredo. The sauce is a mix. A V-day dinner because it is V-day and that is what came up on the rotation.


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