Thursday, January 13, 2011
We are having some warm weather so I got to swim and sit in the sun for a tan today.
It will be in the 70s through the weekend. The pool has settled at 80 degrees with the cold 40's nights.
Very nice.
This is why we came here. We are against the mountain so there is little rain and we are dry so the sun heats with radiation during the day. UV. The ground takes the energy in and transfers it to IR. Warm days, peak in the pm.
I go at 11-12 AM. There is still a bit of a chill but since the water is warmer than the air and being in the sun is almost as hot as any other time of year, it works beautifully for a mid day swim. Not so at sunrise. Although I guess you could do it.
I was alone. Not many people use the pool or the hot tub anyway but when "winter" strikes everyone, except for a neighbor and usually anyone who is leasing a condo for the month, stays in and shivers. Not me. I consider it healthy to get out there and be in nature.
The only thing missing is nude swimming which is prohibited. But so is diving and I dive so I am considering doing bare ass if no one shows.