Saturday, December 18, 2010
Obama held to his wish to have a good process to institute the new rules on gay and lesbian military. He wanted the full Congress to repeal the act and he wanted the Services to agree that it was OK. They didn't have to like it although some of them do.
The NYT summarizes his victory thusly.
More than 12,500 service members have been discharged since
The gay activists have scoffed at all this wanting an executive order and all. They laughed at the opinion survey that was set up. But look. The stage is set. Most of the players are ready to play. 70% of the military says it is at least OK.
the policy was mandated by Congress in 1993. A Pentagon
report released on Nov. 30 concluded that allowing gays to
serve openly in the armed forces presents a low risk to the
military's effectiveness, even at a time of war, and that 70
percent of service members believe that the impact of
repealing the law would be either positive, mixed or of no
consequence at all.
There could not be a finer foundation.
And what now? I am sure that the whiny bastards will say that it is his fault that it took so long. Fuck them.
Progress takes awhile.
I was turned on by boys when I was four or five. I got into trouble for hugging too much.
In 1951 or 2 when I knew that I liked boys better than girls there was nowhere to go. When I went to college I had gay experiences within the first month. He hid.
In 1975 when I had a boyfriend/partner it was risky to be seen as intimate in public. We danced at the South End Historical Society Ball and got the tsk tsk from the old queens.
In 2008, we got married.
Fifty years.
Take a breath you guys. Be grateful. Now that you have bitched so much, how about some of you enlist!
Labels: Administration Obama, gay liberation, gay military, gay rights