Friday, December 31, 2010
I did the christmas cards today.
That means that I went to the spread sheet and entered either "s/r", meaning sent and recieved, or "s/o", meaning sent but not received.
I am one of the few people I know who keeps a five year spread sheet on this. My friend, Lynda in London, does the same. This is not surprising as we are basically spiritual twins.
After two years, if you are an "o", then off with you.
There is the phenom of us sending a card a year or two ago when they did not and then the next year, they did but we did not. Decisions, decisions. But usually they go off the list too.
We have cut our list from about 150 at one time to about 40. we send very few locally. This year we added three or four of our old neighbors who we will not see during the year.
And we added some new people who were off the list before. One last chance. No one, I mean no one, took it. See?
Actually, we sent NO one christmas cards. We sent a Thanksgiving card with the address change and a few headlines on the move. Hence, we thought a few of the banished might want to know. Well, maybe, but no one who had been dumped wrote back. I don't blame them, actually. Done is done.
I love the cards, I really do. But why fool around with people who don't want to play the game.
Interesting that we have relatively few relatives on the list on either side. The serious christians who disapprove of our marriage and all, to hell with them. The ones who don't care, the same.
It is mostly me that doesn't care to be honest.
I quit staying in touch many years ago. About the time I went to my sophomore year of college. But my wife and I sent cards to all of them regardless of whether they sent or not. But then I purged. We purged. Somewhere along the line, most people grow up and realize that there is a minimum of contact to be in the circle. On both parties part.
If they aren't in the mood, I am not. And if I am not in the mood, then I hope they get the hint and back off.
I am finally in deeper touch with one cousin. The son of the cousin who was my line to the family for many years. He has taken over for his Mom. It is nice to stay tuned. He and his wife have always sent us a card. See?