
Monday, September 13, 2010


Pope breaks own rule to hold up Anglican convert Newman as model for Catholics today

Sorry the news is from Fox but you take it where you can get it.

It is pretty clear from accounts of the time that Newman was a homosexual.

How do I know this? I read stuff that the RC hierarchy does not or, if they do, they suppress.

Actually Newman, like most homosexuals, was an interesting guy. He was a founder of the Oxford Movement which he later recanted. It would not look good on the resumé. The Oxford Movement provided a spiritual boost to the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. Later, the movement went kind of radical and weird and became Moral Rearmament. Basically a con.

No matter. This is about closet queers in the catholic church.

Of course there are the same rumors about Benedict.

I am sure that Newman is not the first queer to be canonized.

It is just the utter hypocrisy of the whole thing which stuns. The hate and venom these closet queens have had for gay men and women is beyond belief.

But then that is the power of the closet to maim and distort minds.

This is not, incidentally, about child molestation at all. Somehow there has been an unfortunate conflation between the two things. This confusion is fostered by the vatican's attempts to cover up the molesters by claiming that they were homosexuals.

Sure, there are homo-molester-priests. Also hetero-molester-priests. Different deal.

Newman is not a contemporary incidentally, in case you have not read the link, he is a nineteenth century faggot. It is an old tradition. He even looks gay doesn't he?

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