Tuesday, August 24, 2010
For as long as we remember, the Bonos have had a lock on the local Congressional seat.
First Sonny, who reigned until he did a face plant into a tree while skiing, then his trophy wife Mary took over. A former aerobics trainer, she was notably unqualified for the job but, for many years, the GOoPers had a lock on the district. The old and rich and nutty.
Then came "the gays" and other notable liberals. For several elections, we had people run who had the stuff but neither the money or the presence to topple Mary from her perch.
Meantime, Mary went from being a puppet of the right wing House to, actually, being a creditable rep of her District. She brought home federal money, her most important job, and she voted contrary to the republican line when it came to gay issues and some other liberal causes.
I have called her office many times and was treated with respect and attention even when they and I knew that I was just blowing in the wind.
This time, she has a formidable challenger with some real political ability and clout.
Bono has been declared by her Party as an endangered seat.
Funny. They call these people "Patriots" to designate their potential as losers.
This LATimes article nicely sizes the situation up.
California's few congressional battlegrounds heating up
She has even had demonstrators at her office and they are not the tea bags. These are the "liberal elite". That means working class Democrats.
We like her opposition. Steve Pougnet. He is a good guy. Bland. A former Mayor. That is how Sonny started.
He is also gay, married and has two kids. That puts a different spin on the ball.
He does seem closer to the goal than any other candidate we have seen before.
Good luck.
He is the one on our right.