Monday, June 07, 2010
Today's job was to sort through my clothes and separate the stuff that goes to charity from the stuff that goes with me.
Not as hard as it sounds actually.
I had already done a run-through of this 6 months ago.
I have never been one to keep stuff but even I am subject to the "maybe I will wear that someday" thing.
Another barrier to thinning the herd is some stuff bought five years ago as a more fashionable set of shirts and pants for a more active social agenda.
I did wear the clothes until the social agenda wore thin. We also quit going to Vegas or LA which was one of the reasons to have this stuff. Around here, it is kind of over the top.
So, for a few years, there it sat. I was loathe to toss it mostly because I had such high hopes for the new life which I would experience as a result of the outfits.
It was a little like the person who sets out to be a runner but has to have the most hi-tech shoes, tights, gloves and jackets before he even starts to run. When simple sneakers and shorts with a T are enough.
The designer clothing sat there waiting for a ride and I wasn't giving it any.
Today it got to go some place. Fashion forward to the second hand store.
I have two half trash bags and a big hockey style gym bag full of stuff.
Shoes, sox, winter things, an off white thin overcoat I loved. A lot of hoodies that I don't wear any more.
I had kept two wonderful butter soft leather jackets from Boston that I never wear because it isn't cold enough. I gave them to our realtor today. He has been known to wear leather every now and again. He looked pretty good in them. They will be put to good use, I am sure.
So there it goes.
We have less closet space in the new house so that is part of the impetus here. But more, there is the need to thin out. Get slim.
That is the other thing. I only have a couple pair of long pants that fit my less slim 70 year old self. They all went too. A few brought from Boston. Optimist.
I am keeping my tux. The pants won't fit. But I think I might want to be cremated in it and you can slit the suit in the back for that.
No one will know the difference.